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Mentoplasty: a natural alternative for a chin implant

Writer's picture: Dr. LiebregtsDr. Liebregts

Mentoplasty, also known as chin surgery, is a procedure aimed at improving the aesthetics of the chin and the profile of the lower face. In particular, sliding mentoplasty – a technique in which the chin bone is moved – offers many advantages over traditional chin implants. With this method, we achieve natural, long-lasting and predictable treatment results that are well suited to the unique anatomy and personal characteristics of the face, without the limitations and health risks that traditional chin implants entail.

What is a mentoplasty?

Mentoplasty is a surgical procedure of the chin that is aimed at improving the shape and position of the chin bone. Depending on the situation and the desired result, the chin can be enlarged, reduced or moved to optimize the profile and balance of the lower face. In sliding mentoplasty, a specific technique within mentoplasty, the lower part of the chin bone is cut and shifted in the desired direction. This creates a subtle shift of the overlying tissues, resulting in a natural and balanced appearance.

Unlike a chin implant, where foreign material (e.g. silicone implant) is placed in the chin region, a mentoplasty offers a predictable and durable solution by using the patient's own bone tissue and physiological bone healing process. After the displacement, the chin bone is fixed with titanium mini plates and screws. You can compare these with the plates used in the case of a fracture. The displaced chin segment heals in the new position in about 12 weeks and thus becomes an integral part of the lower jaw. Thanks to the access via the inside of the lower lip (lower lip approach), there is also no visible scar, which contributes to achieving a natural and aesthetically good outcome.

genioplasty chincorrection Chin implant kinverschuiving
The endresult of a mentoplasty fixation with titanium plate

Who is a suitable candidate fot mentoplasty?

Sliding mentoplasty is mainly suitable for people with a recessed chin, where the chin is less prominent compared to the rest of the face. The purpose of this procedure is to move the chin forward and thus create a stronger chin profile. In addition to forward displacement, a sliding mentoplasty can also lengthen the chin in a vertical direction. A combination of these effects can be personalized based on the wishes and starting situation of the patient and can be achieved in one surgical procedure..


Sliding mentoplasty versus chin implant

1. Technique and Execution

Sliding mentoplasty: A horizontal saw cut is made in the chin bone. The bone segment is then shifted forward and rotated in a certain direction to create the desired chin profile. The chin segment is then fixed with titanium mini plates and mini screws the bone segment can heal in the new situation and become one with the lower jaw. This leads to a stable and durable result.

Chin implant: A chin implant is a pre-formed piece of foreign material, made of silicone, PEEK, methyl methacrylate or titanium that is inserted into the chin region to enlarge the chin. The implant can be inserted through the inside of the lower lip or the underside of the chin. The implant is fixed to the periosteum or to the bone with sutures and/or screws. The chin implant usually does not grow into the jawbone.

chinimplant chin implant genioplasty mentoplasty chin surgery
Traditionel chinimplants: left a silicon implant, right a PEEK implant

 2. Risks

Sliding mentoplasty: After this procedure, swelling may occur in the lower lip and chin region, often also resulting in a bruise under the chin. Approximately 90% of the swelling and discoloration will have disappeared within two weeks. The pain after the procedure is generally mild and can be controlled well with paracetamol or ibuprofen. A temporary reduced sensation in the lower lip and chin is normal. Recovery of the full sensation can take several weeks to months. Fortunately, the chance of a permanent change in sensation in the lip and chin region is small. The titanium mini plates and screws used usually do not have to be removed because they are completely biocompatible.

Chin implant: Because foreign material is used in this procedure, there is a risk of infection of the implant, despite preventive use of antibiotics and the choice of an approach via the underside of the chin. In the event of infection, the implant almost always has to be removed. A repeat operation is complicated by scarring. There is a small chance of the implant becoming loose, whereby the implant can move when the lower lip and chin muscles are tightened. In addition, studies show that when using silicone implants, silicone particles can migrate to other parts of the body, which can have potentially harmful long-term consequences. This procedure can also cause temporary numbness in the lower lip and chin region, which usually recovers spontaneously after a few weeks to months.

3. Costs

Sliding mentoplasty: In order to properly prepare the procedure, we use state-of-the-art 3D virtual surgical planning and soft tissue simulation in our expert clinic. This allows the surgeon to determine in advance where the chin segment should be detached and how it should be repositioned and fixed. Titanium mini plates and screws are used. The costs of the entire treatment process, including aftercare, are between 3500 and 4250 euro.

Chin implant: The costs of the chin implant are mainly determined by the choice of material for the implant. This can vary between 2500 and 3500 euro.

Mentoplasty in day treatment

Mentoplasty is performed under general anesthesia (narcosis). On the day of the treatment, you will come to the operating complex with an empty stomach. Upon arrival, you will be accompanied to the preparation room, where a nurse will prepare you for the procedure. At the scheduled time, you will be taken to the operating room. The anesthesia is administered by an anesthesiologist.

The procedure itself usually takes between 30 and 45 minutes. During the operation, the surgeon makes an incision on the inside of the lower lip, so that no visible scars are created. The chin bone is then carefully loosened, moved and fixed in the desired position. After the procedure, you will wake up in the recovery room, where you will be monitored and recover from the anesthesia.

You will then be transferred to the recovery room. A nurse will be present to help you. You will receive instructions about aftercare. As soon as you feel fit enough and are stable, you can go home at the end of the day. You do not have to stay the night.

Our clinic schedules postoperative check-ups with the head surgeon. During these check-ups, the healing process is monitored. It is important that you follow the aftercare instructions to promote good recovery so that an optimal result can be achieved.

For personal advice and to determine which technique suits you best, a consultation with one of our head surgeons is the first step. Together we will discuss the options and help you make the right choice.

3D planning of mentoplasty genioplasty chin
3D planning of mentoplasty

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